
不斷的接到抗議信要我快點update blog..  okok.. finally it's day TWO...

朋友常問我說:你這麼常去美國到底是為什麼啦?美景有這麼美嗎?漢堡有這麼好吃嗎? No and No.. 其實我會願意花12-14小時飛去這麼遠的國家,有70%的原因是為了去OUTLET,哈,真的啦!大家也知道我是個胖子,在台灣根本買不到什麼漂亮衣服可穿,所以都要趁去美國的時候大肆採購 (現在發覺在日本一樣可以買到便宜又漂亮的胖子裝ㄝ,日本現在是我的新戰場了啦!)

我每次去美國都是很匆忙的安排行程,很少會努力做事前功課,可是我肯定會仔細研究哪裡有好的OUTLET,怎麼開車去?還要上網去DL一堆可以再打折的coupon。  在Vegas附近有三個outlet,兩個是premium outlet系列的,就是一間很大的連鎖過季店,在全美、甚至日本等其他國家都有分店,我最愛的是他在南加州dessert hill的那家,是我逛過最大最好的一間,可惜離LA太遠了,在日本靜岡御殿場的那間也不賴,許多貴鬆鬆的的日本牌子在那裡都是幾百幾百的在賣,還有關東西唯一的一家無印良品的outlet,上次也在那裡敗了不少呢。 言歸正傳,我這次並沒有去那兩家premium outlet,因為上去研究過了,他們兩家店的牌子我都不太喜歡,所以我這次選擇了Fasion outlet.

Fasion outlet為在California跟Neveda (Vegas)的交界處,離我們住的飯店有40分鐘左右的車程,當然我一個人不會開車去,太不划算了,一般的觀光客都是搭shuttle bus 去,離我飯店最近的站牌在MGM,本來計畫好要搭一大早9:30分的車子,想不到一早Jennifer拉我去吃早餐,還去他參展的展場外面晃晃,這樣一晃就晃到10點了,所以只能改搭下一般車。shuttle的票價是來回15美金一個人,我還是先到網路上下載US3.00的折價券咧,得意齁,X的咧,結果早上太趕,我忘記帶了啦!沒關係,裝傻我最會了啦!雖然我明明知道忘記帶,還是再售票員面前假裝找那張紙,然後用很懊惱的表情跟他說: oh shit, i think i left it in my hotel... 然後微笑的看著他,then..當然囉,還是讓我折價啦,挖哈哈哈~~

車票,去程10:15am出發,回程是2:00pm,如果你覺得太趕,可以在outlet那裡改時間,因為晚一點還要跟Jenni 碰頭,所以我就沒改了,結果真的趕的要死阿!



離開the strip of vegas,看到的就只有光禿禿的沙漠了

在outlet裡面沒有照相,因為時間實在太趕啦,只有短短的3個小時,在Coach裡面我就被"困住"40分鐘,真的不誇張,這一間Coach也太便宜了吧,除了已經打過折的factory price,幾乎每一款都還有再15~30%的discount呢!我總共買了一個tote包,還有同一款的皮夾,那個包包原價298,打完折竟然只要155美金,皮夾也才97美金,另外還買了個化妝手提兩用包,這個才扯,原價198,入手價55美金,很扯吧,另外還買了手機吊飾4條來送人,每條16美金。

tote 包跟皮夾在回程在東京的時候就被我媽搜刮走了,所以沒有照片,外觀大概向這樣啦,顏色是有點藍綠的,很適合夏天揹。




幫JACK買了Oldnavy的polo shirt,他們家的真的很好穿,重點是很便宜,大家猜猜下面這件多少?原價24.5美金

 incrediable price USD5.00!!!

逛完Coach跟oldnavy後又在forever 21被困住半個小時,這家可是我的愛牌呢,不過這次怎麼只買到一件,其他不是太可愛要不然就是穿不下啦,挖啊哈哈! 那件衣服下幾篇文章就會出現了~~


Magic price USD97.00! 和台幣不到三千元,相當囂張的價錢!  你說我怎麼可能在台灣買啦,一雙都要一萬多ㄝ!





說實在,這間fasion outlet並不算大,可是其實該有的牌子都有,而且還有TOD's的outlet,這是很難得的,聽說在美國沒幾家outlet 有tod's呢,我去過的就是fasion outlet 跟 dessert hills的有,比起來dessert hills的又大很多,是我比較建議去的啦!

不過既然到了Vegas,如果時間允許的話,還是建議大家來fashion outlet挖挖寶囉!大家記得要到他的網站去下載巴士的折價券囉,詳細的搭車資訊也貼在下面供大家參考。

Fashion Outlets operates a daily Shoppers' Shuttle from the Las Vegas Strip with departures from:

  • The MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
  • Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood and
  • The Fashion Show
The round-trip fare is only $15.00 and includes a complimentary Savings Book with more than $800 in savings at participating stores.  Save $3.00 by using the Shoppers' Shuttle coupon below.

Shuttle Schedule
MGM Grand Hotel and Casino:
There are 3 morning and 2 afternoon shuttles to Fashion Outlets from the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino.  There are 5 afternoon return shuttles.

Shuttle Schedule to Fashion Outlets Shuttle Schedule from Fashion Outlets
Depart MGM Arrive at Outlets*
9:15 am - 10:00 am
10:15 am - 11:00 am
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
1:15 pm - 2:00 pm
2:15 pm - 3:00 pm
Depart Outlets Arrive at MGM*
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
6:00 pm - 6:45 pm
Arrival times are approximate*

Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood:
There is 1 morning and 1 afternoon shuttle to Fashion Outlets from Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood.  There are 2 afternoon return shuttles.

Shuttle Schedule to Fashion Outlets Shuttle Schedule from Fashion Outlets
Depart Miracle Mile Arrive Outlets*
10:00 am - 11:00 am
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Depart Outlets Arrive Miracle Mile*
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
5:00 pm - 5:50 pm
*Arrival times are approximate

Fashion Show:
There is 1 morning and 1 afternoon shuttle to Fashion Outlets from the Fashion Show.  There are 2 Afternoon return shuttles.
Shuttle Schedule to Fashion Outlets Shuttle Schedule from Fashion Outlets
Depart Fashion Show Arrive Outlets*
10:30 am - 11:30 am
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Depart Outlets Arrive Fashion Show *
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
*Arrival times are approximate

Riders should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to departure time
Shuttle service operates seven days a week
Fashion Outlets is closed Christmas Day
Passengers may choose to return on a later shuttle, based on seat availability
Fares and schedules are subject to change

Shuttle Tickets
MGM Grand Hotel and Casino:
Shuttle tickets for departure from the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino are available at the following location:
Shopper Shuttle desk - located on the lower level in the MGM Star
     Lane Shops
    The shuttle desk is open from 8:30 am until 3:00 pm. 

Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood:
Shuttle tickets for departure from Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood are available at the following location:

Customer Service Desk - located next to parking structure
   Customer Service is open daily from 10:00 am - 11:00 pm.

Fashion Show:
Shuttle tickets for departure from the Fashion Show are available at the following location:

Prestige Ticketing Desk - located in the Food Court


Methods of payment include: cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and
Fares and schedules are subject to change.

Shuttle Reservations
Please call our toll-free reservation line (888) 424-6898 (USA) or (702) 874-1400 ext. 7073 to make your shuttle reservation.   All reservations are subject to availability.


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