
From: Customer Relations Service Department []
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 11:23 AM
To: Elaine Tsai
Subject: Re: Issue ISS00045679


Dear  Ms. Tsai,

Thank you for your e-mail written regarding your flying on board from Teipei to Seoul on board TG634 on November 7,2008.

We were very sorry to note that you experienced the defective duty free goods on board the above flight, and truly regret the lapse in good service received from the cabin crew on account of service attitude and performance in the way mentioned. Please accept our sincere apologies for the overall inconvenience and any unfavourable impressions created. Certainly, your comments have been brought to the attention of our In-Flight Services Department for further corrective action.

The particular Air Purser should be contacted for additional coaching of the necessity to provide the prompt service with hospitality and courteousness for passengers, in order to achieve the high standard of service, for which we are famed. So there will be no repetition of such incident. Feedback such as yours are taken seriously as an invaluable asset in allowing us to take corrective measures wherever necessary for the betterment of our future performance. Thank you for bringing your experience to our attention, allowing us to know our staff's actual performance, which does lead to further improvement as necessary.

We only hope that we may have the opportunity to be of service to you again during your future travels, when we will be able to offer more satisfactory service to you. Until then, we send you our best wishes.

Yours sincerely,
Weraluck Bhensuwan
for Ton Loharjun
Department Manager
Customer Relations Service Department

18 Nov.

反正有抱怨就算是出一口氣啦! 如果有收到泰航的回應我在PO上來跟大家分享囉!

Dear Customer Service,

 After the recent awful experience flying with your airline, I feel that I must make a formal complaint and let you know exactly how your customers are treated on board so you can take appropriate remedial actions.

 I was travelling with a good friend to Korea for a holiday and we were passengers on flight TG634 departing from Taipei to Seoul on Nov 7.  There were a couple of incidents that I'd like to report relating to your flight attendant, Ayara.

 1. Normally, guests are greeted with smiling flight attendants but Ayara kept a straight face when serving us while chatting with other colleagues with smiles and laughers.

 2. When handing out the arrival customs form, again she was not friendly at all and rudely asked "are you Korean?" instead of questions like "Mam' do you need a visa for entering Korea?"  Despite the rude service, I would expect that by answering "no, I am not Korean," she would have given me all the forms applicable for foreigners. At the customs desk, I was asked to leave the line by the officer to complete a form that she had forgotten to give me (the most important form for foreigners entering the country).  Due to her negligence, it took me another half an hour to re-line up for the customs.

3. When serving meals, again we were treated rudely and the napkins/hand towels were thrown instead of handed to us.

4. After dinner, my friend and I was excited about purchasing duty free gifts and have selected the items as well as filled out the order form.  After pressing the service bell

5 times and waited for more than 30 minutes, no staff came to serve us. Meanwhile we can still hear the attendants behind the closed curtains chatting.  During the 30 minutes wait, Ayara did walk past our seats and I raised my hands trying to get her attention, but she ignored us while quickly passing through.  There were no other staff around and no other dedicated time for duty free purchasing so I had USD 300 - 400 cash with no where to spend it.

Finally, it was not until I asked another staff for a feedback card and Ayara's name that she started smiling at us and trying to make a conversation as we got off the plane.

This leaves me with 3 questions:

1.  Do you condone staff rudeness to passengers?

2.  Does Thai Airways have appropriate staff training on customer service and in particular forms relating to customs for passengers?

3.  Is Duty Free products not provided on your flights? Or do you not wish to make any commissions from duty free items?

I want answers to these questions because I travel frequently and I organize frequent trips for groups of friends. In fact, this is the third time I've travelled with your airline to Seoul and I have received poor service every time, but this is the worst. Your elder flight attendants are polite, courteous and very helpful but the new and young staff seems like they have not passed the proper training in customer service.  I would like to know if Thai Airways is a low-service and low-courtesy airlines and if it is, I will make my future travel choices accordingly, and ensure that my colleagues, friends and family do likewise.


I await your response.



Best Regards,
Elaine Tsai



1. 首先,臉上一點笑容都沒有,一直都擺一個臭臉,可是就會跟同事嘻笑,是看不起我們Asian嗎?

2. 發入境卡的時候也是臭臉,發到我的時候就臉很臭,很不屑的說:Are you korean ,喵的咧的,超沒禮貌,加上斜眼看我,就很不爽,是不會問:Mam' do you need the visa to Korea? 重點是,我跟他說不是,他就給了我一張Form結果到海關的時候被Officer罵說,沒有填最主要的那張FORM,吼,害我要重新排隊,多花了半個小時,空姐一點也不專業是怎樣,根本就不認真,都說不是韓國人了,還給少給我外國人的入境表格

3. 發餐的時候也是一個臭臉,可樂倒的這個溢出來,紙巾也是用丟的,發的時候也沒說是什麼,就那三包在我面前晃(我做Asle) ,就要我自己拿,你不說什麼我哪知道要拿,我本來還以為是花生咧!!這樣在空中甩阿甩的,當我是乞丐嗎?就不能好好說,『小姐,這是濕紙巾,給您擦手,可以幫我傳給隔壁的客人嗎?』這樣說有很難嗎?

4. 吃飽飯我跟Cath興高彩烈的準備買免稅品,都挑好囉,單子也填好了,結果按了五次服務鈴,等了半個小時,就是沒有人要來,空姐休息區的簾子始終是拉上的,可是明明就聽到他們在裡面聊天,我不爽站起來去叫他們,覺得本來服務鈴的功用就是叫服務員來的,都沒人是怎樣,而且也沒人推車子賣免稅品,就打算不賣就對了吧?算了,是你的損失,老娘本來寫好要買三四百塊美金的東西,包括買給我Cath要買給男朋友200美金的MB的皮帶,哼!不賣就算了,我們現在也不爽買了。其實按鈴等待的三十分鐘其間,那個Ayara 是有經過我椅子旁邊,可是他不知是瞎了還是故意當作沒看到,快速就走了,我連叫他都來不及。
以上是我要抱怨他們的啦,我會慢慢把他們寫成嚴肅的英文投訴信,其實,這次我第三次搭泰航的飛機去SEOUL了,老實說,每一次的服務都是這麼差勁的,年輕的小姐都是這麼勢力,老的空服員就很有禮貌,也很decent...just don't know why what's wrong with their training for the new joiner...
接近降落,空服員終於全部滾出來要檢查安全帶時(飛機還真大,半個小時前,怎麼一隻貓都沒看到咧?難道這是新型的A380雙層空中巴士?),我找了另一個男生的空服員,服務態度好太多的小男生,跟他要Feedback card, 他一開始聽不懂,後來我重複說一次 ,他才慌張的衝進去找,等他回來拿給我的時候,我就順便問他,指著那個態度差的空服員,問她叫什麼名字,他慌張的寫了名字給我,然後不到十分鐘,飛機就降落了,我看到那個Ayara一直在看我,是面帶微笑喔!似乎一直想跟我交流,我走出飛機的時候,故意戴上我的耳機(新買的那個Button Audio-Technica in pink) 經過她時,我很清楚的跟我說:

OH, Nice Ear phone!  (帶著超親切的笑容,就像航空公司廣告上那種熱情又溫馨的笑容)


Mam' your ear phone is very NICE~~~ 

我裝了假笑回她:Oh, thank you.....  


我其實當時是想跟你回的不是 oh thank you...而是: non of your business...and it's too late for that actually!!!

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