My reply to Josephine
well, finally you're here...thanks for your kind message in below. but you only point out the one way thinking in you mind. Why you never think about why people shout to you? I don't think I am the only one... also Jo, Charles, other operation staffs, your mother in law even you own sons. Please remeber I did write a posive article said I was very lucky to have a good manager to support me. I did... I just said what's really happened on me. not like you always said "nothing in the air" pretending it's true but actually they are just in your image.
As my direct manager, you should be like a manager. If you're not satisfied that I spent time on internet or msn which you also do it all the time, please TELL YOUR BOSS TO FORBID EVERYONE in the office using that. I am not doing the internet things all time and there's not RULE for that at office. If you are not happy with should find sulotion to work it out since you're my maganer. It's your job not mine.
You're in this company for more then 5 years should know the work load between my outbound dept and your inbound dept. Please list how many shipments you're handling in june and how many for mine. then you tell me if it's FAIR to me. Moreover, you're the manager of this division, don't you think you should be responsible for WHOLE departments?
In the private life, you're a nice all the time. However you're selfish when things come to you. You only do things which are beneficial to you, never put yourself in others' shoes.
For people knowing me will know I am not a people who yells or shouts to other all the time. You just pushed me to the "DEATH SPACE".....
Why should I tell you how much I got earned last year? It's confidential for all and if boss wanna you to know about it he will therefore let you know. I was just a tiny potato in the company and feeling so tired to deal with matter just 8 in office.
1. 你憑什麼說我是跟老闆撒嬌才被加薪的,憑哪一點
2. 你說你從來沒被加過薪水,你摸摸自己良心再說一次 (if you still have it)
3. 我為什麼會對你吼叫,你想想你怎麼對別人的,你自己想想你被多少人吼過了,你的家人,你的小孩,你的同事,你個客人,大家都針對你就對啦!讓人覺得pathetic 的是你不是我,我比你正常多了。
你自己摸摸良心吧,除了工作上的事情處不好,我哪裡對不起你,我對你不好嗎?well..whatsoever,祝你以後活的坦蕩開心,好好在公司工作吧,這家公司沒有你不行的。All the best!

看我之前Shut up Josephine這篇文章的人應該還記得這個女人的可怕。她真的是甲郎告告,我快氣炸了。今天以前同事跟我說,他跟新來的同事說,Elaine當初是因為跟老闆撒嬌,所以才被加薪一千元,他自己從來沒被加薪過,翻桌啦,你要不要乾脆說我跟老闆上床阿!馬的,甚麼話都說的出口,你真的不怕上帝把你的嘴巴封起來嗎?我的都已經拿全公司最低的薪水了,辛苦的工作了一年半,加我一千元薪水為過嗎?妳沒被加薪,去死啦,妳當會計都是白癡嗎?妳明明去年才被家五千,一個月拿我快一倍的薪水,為什麼還要要這樣講呢?